frequently asked questions

For the most part, the answer is yes, and we are also rated as the #1 in top web Design Company in Winnipeg. We have 100% happy clients. All our websites are customized based on the client’s needs. Our Search Engine Optimization in Winnipeg has helped a number of companies to rank their website on the first page and first place on Google. Advertise your business or brand across Winnipeg, Brandon, Thompson, Churchill, Manitoba? Our clients are given a priority listing with the largest website in Manitoba Small businesses

Different clients, different services, all our services are tailored for each client. We do maintain more than 35 different industries websites across Manitoba. We have a number of clients who had their web services moved to us for various reasons:- Redesign the website, make website mobile friendly, bring website on top on Google, host and maintain the website, give a fresh new look for the brand, save on online marketing etc..

We design and develop websites for all businesses and industries Plumbing company website, snow clearing company website, landscaping company website, Law firm website, Mechanical Contractor website, Manufacturing company website, Retail ecommerce websites, Personal Websites, Photo Sharing Websites, Writers / Authors Websites, Community Building Websites, Mobile Device Websites, Blogs, Informational Websites, Online Business Brochure/Catalog, Directory Websites, E-commerce Websites, Medical & Healthcare website, Animals & Pet clinic website, Fashion & Beauty salon website, Business & Services website, Entertainment, Games & Nightlife, Electronics store website, Cars & Motorcycles website, Food & Restaurant websites, Real Estate website in Winnipeg, Agriculture & Alternative Power websites, Casinos website, Acupuncture website, Audiologist website in Winnipeg, Chiropractic clinic website in Winnipeg, Bowling website in Winnipeg, Community Halls website in Winnipeg, Golf Club website in Winnipeg, Marriage Halls website in Winnipeg, Photographers website in Winnipeg, Animal Hospitals website in Winnipeg, Medical Center website in Winnipeg, Dental Clinics website in Winnipeg, Medical Suppliers website in Winnipeg, Excavating, Blasting & Demolition website in Winnipeg, Building Materials & Supplies website in Winnipeg, Construction Companies website in Winnipeg, Electrical Contractors website in Winnipeg, Inspection Services website in Winnipeg, Landscaping /Snow Removal Services website in Winnipeg, Masonries website in Winnipeg, Painters website in Winnipeg, Pest Control website in Winnipeg, HVAC website in Winnipeg, Car dealership website in Winnipeg, Banking website and the list goes on...

No problem! We'll gladly transfer your existing domain name to your new WTSS website free of charge!

The development time depends on the requirements of your website. The most basic of websites can be up and running in as little as 48 hours. Typically, we aim to deliver your website within 2-3 weeks. Talk to a website consultant for more information.

Yes! WTSS can use a combination of stock photography and images/graphics that relate to your business or industry to help create a professional design for your website. What happens to my domain name and e-mail if I cancel my service? The domain name included with your account is registered in your name. If you decide to cancel your plan, you can choose to transfer your domain name to another provider. You will have to re-configure your e-mail addresses with the new server’s settings. We can provide you with a static output of your website for transfer if required.

Yes! As a standard procedure for all websites, we align our design principles with commonly accepted benchmarks for search engine optimization. All of our packages include full keyword, page title and meta-tag administration tools to increase the likelihood of a favorable search engine ranking. WTSS also offers advanced site promotion plans for customers looking to develop a comprehensive online marketing strategy for their business. Our consultants will work within your budget and requirements to formulate an effective solution that increases online awareness and promotes your business to a wider global market.

We are constantly monitoring the Web and keeping up to date with the latest technologies. Our website designers, website developers and business consultants are always available to discuss the latest developments and potential opportunities that may enhance the utility of your website. To learn more about the additional services currently offered by us, please talk to our Business Development Manager for the updated offers.

Our team has a number of designers and developers who are specialized in various programming languages and we have the ability to accommodate all type of needs, from basic to a custom website in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Example:- Our team consists of developers experienced and experts in JavaScript, HTML, Wordpress, Java, Python, CSS, PHP, Ruby, C++, C, Shell, C#, Objective C, R ,VimL, Go, Perl, ASP, .NET

We have a lot of clients across Manitoba, and all our SEO clients are on the first page on Google. We have different packages available for SEO services in Winnipeg, Manitoba.